
October 4, 2008

TOP 10 Most Beautiful Lavender Fields Photos - Visual Aromatherapy Oils

The beauty of lavender fields is unbeatable. I think this view is the best Bye Bye to summer for everyone that has troubles to adapt to Autumn...

Picture: jaako

Picture: setev


  1. These are very beautiful, evocative photos. I just love lavender in my skincare, aromatherapy and cooking, as well.
    How lovely that you are taking part in the seed exchange.

  2. Exquisitely beautiful! I can't even imagine the wonderful perfume that must waft from those fields.

  3. You are right Ewa, this is a beautiful goodbye to summer. I have never seen such a sight in person, only in pictures. It looks amazing.

  4. They are lovely Ewa. I was lucky to see the fields one summer and even then they smelled wonderful.


  5. Quite amazing Ewa!

    I am worked in barley research and it was always a great pleasure to have a driver who could drive the seeder in straight lines.

  6. Those lavender fields are something one has to see to believe! Lavender is such a beautiful herb; it really affects all your senses in the most agreeable way. At the moment I have Lavender and behind it pink roses and that is my daily pleasure.

  7. I have never seen such beautiful rows of lavender in all my life! Stunning is the only word I can think of at this moment. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  8. Oh, I can just imagine the fragrance. I would love to see these fields.Lavender is a favorite of mine.

  9. So lovely! Time to bring in bouquets of the lavendar, and dry it, so you can have it's lovely Summer scent all Winter.
    xo xo

  10. You'll also never forget the fragrance, once you have seen these beautiful blue lavender fields. I saw them many, many years ago....

  11. Your photos are really beautiful and they remind me of our holidays in the Provence. I love lavender, I do have it in the garden, inside the house as decoration and I am using it in the kitchen.
    But the absolutely best thing is to stand in the middle of a lavender field in the Haute Provence in June/ July!

  12. Oh Ewa, these are wonderful. Thank you! My one attempt to grow lavender was a disappointment- but you have inspired me to try again! I am new to, and enjoying, your blog. Thanks so much!

  13. Mamma mia, how utterly beautiful. Reminds me of an ancient school trip to Grasse and their intoxicating lavander fields. Priceless!

  14. Ewe that is breathtaking!!! I love lavender. I would love to walk through those fields. Stunning.

  15. Just a gorgeous post! Since moving up to the cool climate of the Adelaide Hills I so miss my lavenders. They loved the hot Mediterranean climate of the Adelaide Plains, but its just too cold up here for them. Thank you Ewa for these lovely reminders.
    Millie ^_^

  16. It's hard to describe the beauty of these photos - especially the first one!

  17. Oh my, how spectacular. A wonderful feast of color for my eyes! The fragrance must be heavenly!

    Thank you so much for your kind words about the starved horse I rescued. He is an inspiration, so kind and so forgiving.


If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need (Cicero)
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