
November 25, 2008

What can warm YOU up on this cold winter morning?


Maybe the view of these red & energising chilli peppers - my last crop from capsicums growing in pots. Collected just before the snow has covered everything.


... or the view of this still profusely blooming hardy geranium - taken home for winter.



.... or maybe couple of cats, that don't want to go out ?

What would cheer YOU up this morning?


  1. Being able to stay home,curl up with the cats, view the snow outside through the geraniums while eating a bowl of chile with one of those hot peppers cut up in it. Now that would make me happy today.

  2. Cats always cheer me up - and so does watching snow from somewhere warm!

  3. My morning cup of tea always does the trick :) It is so hard to wake up in the morning now. It's 7:30am right now and still dark outside.

  4. Beautiful chilli peppers - lucky that you got them inside before the snow came!

  5. Those chilli peppers those geraniums and above all that lovely kitty would warm up the coldest heart.

  6. All these things can warm me up. But if I had to chose one of the things, it for sure will bee the geraniums.

  7. Hallo Ewa I see that you want to heat up the world too :-)
    Yes we have had and still have trouble lately with this, do read and look if you have been copied too.
    Help someone is stealing our work
    xoxo TYRA

  8. I just installed a 24 inch monitor on my computer and your photos about knocked my socks off! Just beautiful.

  9. Heart-warming pictures, Ewa.


If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need (Cicero)
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