
July 7, 2009

The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them.

~ Queen Victoria

Roses are the queens of summer - I can't resist their beauty - even from far they call me and say 'look at me, divine spirit is here'.


  1. Ewa I have a weakness for them too .. but only have a few so I won't go crazy with aphids and black spot ? LOL
    They are the top seductive plant in my mind ? ; )

  2. That's a funny quote. By the way, I wasn't named after Queen Victoria. I was named after my Uncle Victor who was a fabulous Polish guy. Roses are magnificent, but I have no luck keeping the bugs off of them.

  3. I love flowers and the way you show them! gardening is one of my biggest passions


If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need (Cicero)
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