
September 21, 2009

Do you still think you have no space for brugmansia?

I think this is the most unusual place to grow brugmansia.

Or you can beat it?


  1. And how did you find that? Looks so healthy.

  2. What a fine spot for such a lovely plant!

  3. It sure adds a cheery brightness to an otherwise ordinary spot. :)

  4. I wonder if that was an accident? I love how it looks hanging there!

  5. LOL, that is a pretty weird place to put a Brugmansia. I had one last year but the slugs ate it.

  6. That is so cool. I love the contrast of hardscape and softscape.

  7. Darla, this can not be accident. In our zone 6, brumansia dies in the winter. This one is large, so somebody is overwintering it somewhere.

  8. Kathryn/plantwhateverbringsyoujoy.com25 September, 2009 03:45

    You have to admit it shifts the focus! I wonder what is the story behind it, though? Could a bird have planted it??

  9. Dear Kathryn, when I spotted this brugmansia, I was also trying to figure out what is the story behind - this view is moving the imagination :)
    answering your question: it had to be planted by somebody, because it has to be overwintered in our zone - otherwise it dies during winter.


If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need (Cicero)
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