
October 25, 2010

Magnolia soulangeana seeds

 I haven't done anything special to make magnolia seeding this year or maybe I did. Some extra fertiliser? Some extra love and protection?With surprise I noticed these beauties few days ago...

To germinate they need stratification (2-3 months in the fridge or outside). Soaking in water. Removing red coating.


  1. I think magnolias have the prettiest seeds. I occasionally toss them into a spot I hope a magnolia will grow! Of course nothing happens~I was just hoping! xxgail

  2. The squirrels have been eating every last seed on my big old magnolia tree by the house, systematically wiping it clean of any pods. Hilarious.

  3. Those are good-looking seeds. Great pics!

  4. Beautiful seeds. Have you tried planting them and do they grow? I'm trying your hydrangea cuttings, hoping to have some luck. But around here, we're all about spreading compost right now. Wish I could send some your way! With two horses, I've got mountains of well cured "black gold". It looks like potting soil.

  5. Victoria, they are new to me :) they need stratification period before trying to germinate :)
    would you like to get few?
    I would happily receive your precious gift - always not enough without proper animals around.

  6. There are really beautiful Magnolia which is virtually disease free.Magnolias are considered primitive flowering plants.


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