
April 30, 2013

11 photos of balcony in Italy, old, stylish, drought tolerant

Balcony in Italy, old, stylish, drought tolerant.

Surprising and timeless beauty in those small structures, just wanted to share it with you. 
Photos taken this month in Milan and Verona. 

Choosing To Plant Inside

There is a current trend of hydroponics and we hope it keeps rising as it is a great alternative to outside growing. If you are in search of supplies, try searching online for grow light kits or perhaps led grow lights for hydroponics online and you may get to the website which is very helpful.

Hydroponics is basically growing plants without soil, but still using water and nutrients or whatever ends up being chosen. There are many helpful nutrients that you can give your plants that will be able to help you grow more efficiently and safely. Some of the nutrients that are available include tons of different hybrid mixes and whatnot that were formulated to help with the growth and health of your plants. Some mixes are only a dollar each, which means it’s very easy to keep plants growing and happy!
Some would recommend the “Organic Feeder” which would mix nicely with most plants, no matter what you are growing.
LA shop Hydronics has been BBB accredited since 2011 and is thrilled to keep serving its thriving customer base.
Specializing in garden and plant life, LA shop Hydronics will surely help you create a garden that is easy to maintain and serves you well. Tons of indoor gardening supplies are available as well as quality grow tents and lights that will help any aspiring indoor gardener to get started.
From organic to aeroponic and many other types of indoor gardening, you can be sure to find everything you need. Hydroponics isn’t hard at all and anyone who is curious should read a little bit more on it and see just how easy it is! After you have all the supplies set up, it’s really only a matter of maintaining.
We hope that hydroponics continues to be a growing trend so that people can start becoming more involved in their gardening once again and never having to worry about weather ruining their crops!
/sponsored post/

April 27, 2013

Recycled garden idea spotted in Italy

Recently in Italy I have spotted this lovely recycled garden idea. It looks groovy, enjoable and excellent. Don't you think so?

Made by Clark Lawrence at Corte Eremo, Italy.

April 21, 2013

Pruning my sad lavender

My neglected lavender survived until her time came to prune.
The snow melted, revealing the lavender's naked sadness. She looks so sad because last year I did not have time to deal with it. But that's okay.
I trimmed it yesterday to a height of about 15-20 cm above the ground, and this year should look much better. I hope that this year my lavender will look like it used to. 

On the photos you may see half pruned shrubs.

April 19, 2013

April 12, 2013

12 ideas for garden arch trellis - hand picked

Garden arch trellis brings height to your garden.
It might be practical if you decide to invite climbing plants to your garden – whether vegetables or decorative ones.
It might be purely decorative if you want any kind of garden arch trellis. Either way, I hope those hand-picked photos can give you inspiration on what kind of vertical structure you can introduce to your garden for more interest.

Have you found inspiration here? Let me know… Any examples of your own?

More ideas you can find here: pea trellises and bean poles

Photo courtesy of Lara
Photo courtesy of kasumiheyes

Photo courtesy of Aspis

Photo courtesy of Sakura

Photo courtesy of KMTucker

Photo courtesy of Aquaamber

Photo courtesy of Donshall

Photo courtesy of MBabin

Photo courtesy of Snowgumstudio

Photo courtesy of Flisspix

Photo courtesy of Delee

Photo courtesy of Damek