
December 23, 2013

Planting Tulips December Call

Normally it’s winter here at this season. Usually it’s snowing and freezing as well. Not this year. Temperature is in plus. Grass is green. And I will use this time to move some plants around the garden and plant bulbs longing for soil since weeks. Life kept me too busy to find time. I have it now. 
Any unusual garden chore you are doing now? 

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!



  1. Hallo Ewa....ich habe letzte Woche auch nochmal fast 100 Tulpen in meinen Garten gesetzt....der Boden war noch nicht gefroren und die Zwiebeln konnte ich günstig kaufen...Mal sehen, wie sie im Frühling blühen...
    Lieben Gruß Erwin

  2. Hallo Erwin! Willkommen. I can read German, but speaking/writing died some time ago. I could revive it I think. It was first foreign language I've learned. And not so foreign actually :)
    Thanks for taking time and commenting.


If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need (Cicero)
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