
July 26, 2009

Travelling to Western Pomerania in Poland

WesternPomerania, originally uploaded by Ewa Szulc.

Lately I've been travelling to my favourite place in the Planet Earth. Western Pomerania in Poland is stil wild and clean - in such place it is possible to really feel connected with Nature.
Each of us has such place on the Planet - what is yours?

For your convenience I have uploaded pictures to flickr - jump over there to see almost 30 pics from beautiful Western Pomerania in Poland.

July 21, 2009

Mrs Larkspur and Mr Picket Fence were living in the countryside


Nobody will deny the beauty of Mrs Larkspur.
Mr Picket Fence has subtle beauty, but this is known - men doesn't need to be beautiful, to be handsome. This is what one would say about Mr Picket Fence.
I will say more - he is harsh and simple in many regards, but doesn't he seem to be terribly romantic...
Is it surprising that Mrs Larkspur clings to him for good?
Ah... if only somebody would visit them and help Mrs Larkspur to prune the flowers after fading, she would bloom then once again this year.
She woudn't overgrow him at that time, but he would value this nice gesture - stereotypes, stereotypes...

These pictures were taken in the countryside of Western Pomerania in Poland last week, where I love to go in the summer.

I took plenty of pictures - would you like to see them?

July 12, 2009

Secret Life of Letter Boxes

Everything seems to be perfectly normal. Garden is opulent and because of enormous rains since 2 months I can hear it growing, cats are happy and well, birds are coming and taking bath in the water pond, fish are swimming around in a siesta tempo, frogs are happy, slugs are also happy with amount of water Poland is getting.
But there is one thing that really puzzles me and I can't find the answer - this is the secret life of our letter box. Recently the post mail notification, taken out of a letter box looked like that one on the picture.
It doesn't look torn - it looks.... eaten... could that be possible? If yes, who is having party in my letter box?
Any suspect? Beside postman?

July 7, 2009

The important thing is not what they think of me, but what I think of them.

~ Queen Victoria

Roses are the queens of summer - I can't resist their beauty - even from far they call me and say 'look at me, divine spirit is here'.