
July 14, 2010

Summer garden flowers - GBBD July 2010

Calendula early in the morning...

Common chicory - beautiful plant - finally selfseeded in my garden. If you take close look at the flower - its so lovely - so what that it's a weed here? it will be cheerished plant in my garden...

Diane Hornibook - Erica vagans - the only Erica I know, that doesn't require acidic soil.

Now geraniums come... white... pink...

...and geranium at the pond...
Geranium Sue Krug...
Flowers of Hosta Sieboldiana Elegans...

Hydrangea macrophylla...

Hydrangea macrophylla Detschland (pink flower) and Hydrangea arborenscens Anabelle.
In my kitchen garden currently flowering: radishes (for seeds), zucchini and tomatoes...
Lavandula, Nymphea (water lily), achillea, Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) and daylily Pink Damask.

Ligularia przewalskii...
Lilly.... unknown....

Lillies combo...

Lonicera periclymenum Serotina - very fragrant....
Monarda hybrida....

White pansies still alive, but soon to be replaced...

...maybe by Portulaca (moss-rose)... drought loving plant... with amazing flowers...
Rose Chopin - beautiful and healthy, unfortunately not fragrant....
Mary Rose....
The Pink Fairy....

...and at the end - refreshing view in the heat we have right now...

If you would like to know what flowers were blooming in my garden two years ago in July 2008 - have a look here.
This post contributes to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day kindly hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden


  1. You grow such a wide variety of flowers, and they all look so happy in the summer. Very beautiful.

    I love summer geraniums!

  2. Beautiful blooms, all of them. I'm always so thrilled to see the first chicory -- they're in abundant bloom along the roadsides here in Nova Scotia and have always been my favourite wildflower. Your garden is lovely.

  3. Goodmorning Ewa,
    You have quite an array of flowers about. Judging by the height of the water in your pond, you must have had enough rain. That Hosta flower caught my eye. Blue leaves?
    Chicory is my favourite midsummer wildflower. Wish it would like to grow in my garden. I found it with White flowers last year. And you have pelargoniums as well as geraniums.
    Thanks for the show.

  4. Wow - lush, colorful, profusion - and that green - Not like our Mediterranean climate here. Like a breath of cool fragrance - thanks!

  5. Jo, hosta that caught your eye has bluish biiig leaves that have the tendency to keep silver water drops :) beautiful :)

  6. Beautiful July blooms Ewa! Your pond is absolutely gorgeous. I love chicory. I would be thrilled to grow it in our garden.

  7. Beautiful flowers! Love the pond too - looks so refreshing. Your hydrangeas look great - I love them, but they don't love my yard. I have a few and they never do well.

  8. Lovely showing of blooms. I love the shot of the honeysuckle - it looked like a big ole crinum at first glance.

  9. Your garden blooms are doing very well. Love the waterlilies in the pond.

  10. aloha,

    i love your flower blooms, they are beautiful. the ligularias and lillies are my favorites

    thanks for sharing your blooms today.

  11. Gorgeous photos, Ewa! (And I wish that chicory would self-sow in my yard. I think it's the one "weed" that doesn't ever make an appearance here, boo.) I especially like your waterlily, and your "unnamed" red lily.

  12. Your pond just brings everything together making it a true garden. So many blooming plants, and so many beautiful blooms! Love it all.

  13. Dear Ewa, Your garden is filled with loveliness~I like chicory and notice it all over the roadways~Must see if it will grow in my garden. Hoping the summer is going well for you? I've been gone from the garden too much~I need arest from traveling. xxgail

  14. Your pond is a delight... beautiful photos... I had never considered a chicory blossom before and it is truly a beautiful thing, isn't it!! Larry

  15. You have beautiful garden and Pond is best thing. I never considered creating pond in my garden thinking it will take too much space but your photos have inspired me to have small pond !

    - daisy

  16. Gorgeous flowers! Wish I can add all of them in my garden. Thanks for sharing.


  17. Oh! Those flowers caught my attention. It seems you have a great flower gardens. How I wish I could have a cool garden like yours. Keep it up!



If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need (Cicero)
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