
December 30, 2010

Ewa in the Garden 2010

As usually end of the year brings plans for next year and also looking back at what happened in the passing year, whether was there anything worth to be proud of. 2010 was remarkable year for me personally and for Ewa in Garden. In May I've met fellow bloggers, in December I've completed garden design course, and blog got its momentum with stable readership. It was great year! This is why tomorrow or on 1st of January I will write 'good bye letter' again. I made it first time and it seems to be working. Why not to invite even better things to life in the upcoming year? This ritual has nothing to do with white magic or so, rather codes our brain to attract better things and get disattached from all bad things in life.

Turning back to Ewa in the Garden, if you like reading my blog maybe you are interested which post got most attention and were viewed most often. I made little digging in my analytics account and found out which posts published in 2010 were most popular. This list is different than best of all posts written since the first one, because the older posts are, the stronger they get in search engines.
So, I'd like to present 10 best posts of 2010. Maybe you missed some of them, so this will be the chance to view them:
    PS. Do you think you will also write goodby letter to old year? 

    December 24, 2010

    Merry Christmas :)

    SnowSNOWsnowSNOW in my garden...

    Wish you happy and peaceful Christmas.....



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    December 15, 2010

    China rose, December flowers - GBBD December 2010

    This December is full of snow since 3 weeks and only "flower joy" I have is China rose. Started to bloom end of November.

    Outside is white - no need to show it - you can well imagine that I guess...
    GBBD is hosted by Carol @ May Dreams Gardens - if you want to see flowers from all over the world jump over to Carol's blog and enjoy!