Recipe is easy: just to dig out some soil, make a hole, fill it with isolation materials, add water, plants, fishes and it is there! Giving you feeling of lake in the hot days. Nothing can be better than pond in the garden especialy in the summer.
Only make sure, that you have enough time to take care of it. Dirty water full of glones will not make a pleasure...
Take a tour...

Hippuris vulgaris looks always good in water - like tiny christmas trees!
It came to me from the river near by. I don't know name of it.
Typha minima - perfect for small ponds, not growing too fast.
After 2 years frogs came to me. This one is probably Rana lessonae. It didn't get scared of my 2 cats Aslan and Atomic, or other cats which visist my garden everyday.
Sympetrum vulgatum. "Vulgatum" sounds very ordinary - and in fact it is dragonfly rather boring in colour. There is few kinds of them appearing around, but.. let's be honest... try to make a good photo of fast flying and restless dragonfly... with frogs it is easier :)
If you are raised at the lake you will always miss it. Maybe this pond is not ehe ehe... lake, but it relaxes like noting else. Sound of water running, becomes music of your garden day.
End of September and Nymphea still in bloom. In the spring 'I need repotting' she says by getting flowers above water level.
Thank you for visiting my blog and your nice comments :-) I enjoyed reading your blog too! Your garden is beautiful.
Good morning Ewa
How interesting to see all your plants around your lovely pond. I agree, a garden without a pond is missing something very important. This year I have neglected a little my garden pond...Unfortunately the frogs always disappear...the cats of our neighbours like to catch them! My pond hasn't got any fishes but a lot of little animals and insects to observe. I like to sit and's so calming!
Have a nice day! Barbara
Hi Barbara,
Water in the garden is like life in the garden :) this year I had problems with the state of water and tried really hard to retrieve balance there. Ok - it was not easy and also I must admit I did not succeed fully, but water got more clear. More information about my fight will come in one of my new posts that I am planing to prepare.
Good Morning Ewa, thank you for stopping by at my blog/Tyra's Garden. This sunday morning a took a peek in your absolutely lovely garden! It was especially nice to see the pond and the small aminals. Beautyful pictures. Hope to see you soon again. Shall we link?/ Tyra i Vaxholm Sweden
Dear Tyra,
Thank you for dropping by :) Yes, I will be delighted to link with you :)
"just to dig out some soil, make a hole,...!"?!
It sounds so easy!
I thought it is little bit more difficult than that! :)
hehe :)
Dear Ilter,
You are absolutely right! it is a lot of hard work, especially if it is not possible to do it mechanically and the pond is 120cm deep and abt 5 qm.
I will prepare a post how we did it, but later in the winter :)
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