I was honoured by
jodi and tagged as 'meme-victim'. I do it with pleasure. Little late, but I had to find out few new things...
First - of course - I had to learn what 'meme tag' is. Wikipedia is very helpful - how have we lived without internet in the past?
Second I had to learn how to insert a hyperlink in the text :)
Meme tag is great in a way, because you learn more about fellow bloggers and also especially at this season this idea works wonders. Why? You start to think about things you like in your life :) November can make us bit depressed or sad, but if you concentrate on things you like it may have healing effect: life looks always better after.
Rules are following:
When tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of your list, you must tag and link 8 other people.
Easy-wizzy it was not to make list of 8 things I like.
So... here it is:
1. I do bike and its my grand return to biking. It gives great contact with nature. You see more in shorter time and also faster you can reach places which are nice. I discovered biking in the summer, after I decided to quit driving car for some time. Burn out syndrome was my case in July after working long years for corporation. Have you ever felt like empty egg shell? No positive energy? no ability to write one single sentence that comes from your heart or is an effect of your creativity? hmmm..... sounds stupid to me today, but at that time it was rather tragic. I had to completely change my living style in order to get to normal again. So, I changed diet, got more physical and more contact with real life and real people. I quit driving car and bought bicycle and I love it. I explored places in the neighbourhood that I never saw before. Will I ever reach Warsaw by bike?
2. I get up early in the morning. When I do it at 5 am - it is great!. Others are still sleeping and is sooo quite around.
3. Right after I open my eyes I eat banana and drink cup of coffee - I do it exactly same way since 20 years.
4. I often eat pasta al oglio. It is my favourite and very easy to make. Just spaghetti with olive oil, garlic and parmesan. If you didn't try it, you had to do it and you will love it till the end of your life!
5. I allow myself to have 'lazy days' - sometimes I make one day fully 'lazy' - just hanging around in the house, reading a book or magazine (usually gardening magazine, that I have read already 5 times, but there is always something new I spot).
6. I like digging and planting in the garden most. Also planning the plant's combinations - it unleash my creativity - I feel like painting with plants.
7. I try to make stretching gymnastics at least 2 times a week.
8. I seldom read dailies - I feel like escaping far away from politics and start to live in the forest.
So I made it. There is no plants on the list, cos I can not make up my mind which one to choose :)
And now - according to the rules - I should point my meme tag victims!
It will be again very international - I love it! here we go...
Barbara - blogging wonderfully from Switzerland
Tyra - gardening in Sweden
Britt-Arnhild - gardening in Norway
Silke garden and cat fan from Germany
a wildlife gardener from Scotland
aloe garden from South Africa
meems describing her approach to garden in Florida
karen Canada
I am loking forward to your 8 random things :)