Winter came - as you can see at our city train station. Pine trees! Pine trees! They are so lovely - I felll in love with them when I saw them first time.

There is a nice cafeteria at the station in Komorów...

But when it gets cold, like today, you need a treat - right?
What is better than someting sweet?
Do you know what is this thing below?

This is famous Turkish, traditional, sweet halva called 'Pismaniye' { peesh'muh'ni'ye } - it looks exactly like cotton or wool fibers!
But no, no, no, you will not knit warm gloves with it.
You just eat it... yummy.... mmmm...
If you see it somewhere in the shop, try it - its worth it!
We call that "cotton candy"! It's been ages since I've eaten any, but I can still remember what it tastes like and how it melts in your mouth!
I know halva (eaten it in Greece) but not the floss kind.
So you had a bit of snow I see, we had mostly rain on Monday but lots of sun yesterday. Todat it is dull and grey once again but dry so far.
Pine trees are great for a bit of green colour in winter.
It is really sensational feeling, isn't it?
In Poland we also have halva, but hard one, as you have eaten in Greece or similar at least - I like it a lot, it is very tasty :)
But this flossy one is so unique...
We also know it as "Zuckerwatte" (sugar- cotton) and it is always sold on funfairs...for children. I just had it about 3 years ago for the last time....and I like it is soooo sweet!!
Dear Barbara,
this is not zucker-watte, which is also popular here :)
The 'cotton' from my pictures is produced from almonds and is thicker - I learned about it and trued it first time during my travels to Turkey :)
It looks delicious like candy floss. I have not tasted it yet, but I plan to soon :)
They sell this at our county fair during summer. Yummm
Hmmmm... that «cotton» must be delicious :)
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