After applying ammonium sulfate 3 days later pH dropped from 7 to 5,5 pH, so it seems my rhodos will feel better. They already look better - it is surprising after such short time - it's leaves are up, like dog's ears :) looks really cheering up.
There is so many things going on in the garden, cos it is last month, to make some more serious arrangement, then either it gets too warm and you have to water transplanted plants more often, or theitr natural growth process is disturbed. I am trying to finish all the jobs in March, but they usually extend to April.

One of the urgent jobs was 'combing' the lawn - cos it looked pretty weird - different shades of green, different growing speeds of grass. Here in "Ewa in the Garden" we are trying to shrink size of lawns, but still we home some. This piece is visible from the window, so I would like it to look nice. "Combing" was made with machine looking like lawnmower, but cutting the crawded sod, and make more space for grass to grow.

Total effect is interesting. Lawn is less green, but flattened and more even in color. Now I consider to give some fertiliser, but that brings vicious circle. The more fertiliser you give, the more often you have to mow it.
Some fertiliser would help it to equall the shades of green, right?

In the afternoon I had a meeting in Warsaw, and look what I have spotted in front of the restaurant. This magnolia looks very lovely in the pot, but I felt so sorry for it... such a wrong place for it. It will not be happy there... just a short lived eye candy for customers...

Having some time before the next meeting I took the chance to have a look in the female and vanity magazines. I flipped a newcomer (how they found new readers in this crowded and competitive market?) magazine InStyle (fashion through celebrities) and look what I saw. For a moment after reading I was staring at it... surprised, I guess.
This pretty lady on the picture is known in Poland photographer Lidia Popiel, wife of popular actor (they live in same area as I do). She is presenting her favourite different clothings at different occasions. This particular below is .... gardening outfit. Hmm... do you also see something like this in your magazines? She says that after job she likes to not change her clothes for gardening, just changing shoes, cos high heels are rediculous and dangerous in this situation (sic!).

Then I went to another meeting, which takes place on the right side of the river. Praga is considered as most dangerous district in Warsaw. It is also very authentic. It is the main part of city with original, lower society inhabitants of old times. There are still people that have never been to Warsaw on the left side of the river.
This is the poorest district and getting more and more popular among artists. Being there lately I noticed many small gardens, that resemble the cottage gardens, which I wanted to show you.
I leave you with pictures now...
Ewa, your garden is so beautiful. I look forward to seeing even more of it now that spring is here.
Ewa, I loved this post. You gave us a little bit of everything! So fast with the ph help for the rhododenron to look better! And the photo in the magazine, that is what she wears to work, only changing shoes???? The wrong side of town is sure looking good with those lovely gardens. Maybe it will turn into the right side of town! Thanks for an entertaining post.
Frances at Faire Garden
I have ruined many a nice pair of pants going into the garden right after work!
We must have very similar garden conditions if I don't get plants into the ground early they don't get into the ground until fall...so I have a trail of potted plants all along the driveway well within watering distance of the hose.
Good news about the rhodos!
This just goes to show that no matter where gardeners live, nor how little money, they will have a garden.
Hi Ewa, had a look around again in your garden, lovely. About the gardening clothes...mmh...not very practical in my garden...but that is fashion and fashion photos for you! Anyway have happy spring days.
Ewa - I left a response at my blog to your comment about "why society garlic instead of lavender." Thanks for stopping by. As for your lawn, it might be something other than the soil. You might have more than one species of grass and that would account for the color difference. If you let a couple of small areas go unmowed for a while, they will flower and then you can compare whether they really are the same plant.
As for fertilizing and rapid growth, be sure to use an organic that releases its nutrients more slowly. You might want to use a search engine to seek out more information about organic lawn care. It all starts with the health of the soil - not dumping chemicals.
Also, loved the photos of the garden across the river. As you say, very authentic and not at all self-conscious.
Great post Ewa! A glimpse into many different aspects of your life. Such fun.
I think I need to test my soil around my rhododendrons. They don't look for great. These gardens in the lower (?) pat of the city are neat. Sounds like parts of NYC...a bit "edgy" and artsy.
Thx for stopping by my blog and for your kind words. It's been a tough week here.
Wow, every time I visit your blog there's another 'fresh' story that would get anyone inspired ( or wait, is it your lovely photos)? Just this morning I was wondering how quickly some of my Rhododendrons freshened up from their shabby looks after I enriched their soil with peat moss and Garden Sulphur. It truly is amazing how fast they recover. But also how quickly I forget to maintain the quality of their soil, until the leaves start to yell for help once again. Great photos of 'the other' side of the river, and never mind the social status, green thumbs can make even a modest place look rich. Thank you for inspiring me today, I'm off to the garden to fertilize some more acidic friends. Cheers!
Beautiful garden, Ewa. I also loved the cottage gardens at the end...and the lovely jay from the last post :)
So far ahead of us you are now! I think I'll pass on the model's gardening suggestions, as I can't seem to move without getting dirty!
I agree with Jodi - I'm just getting started with my outdoors work. I really loved the garden pictures, and I have to admit that I sometimes do garden in business dress (but not in high heels)...
My lawn is very patchy too. I just raked, re-seeded and added organic fertilizer. My horses are usually crazy for grass, but this year they don't want to nibble anywhere but their pasture. The rest of your garden and your tour of Warsaw was really fun and as always, very interesting. Thanks !
Some gardening outfit! I can absolutely guarantee that my garden clothes don't look like that!
Robin at Bumblebee
I am sorry to answer so late, but I was so busy in the garden. This time is the most busy time, as if I don't do some things now, I will not do it this year...
Garden Girl,
That is most intensive season in my garden, as I inherited from the previous owner fruit trees, which blossom like crazy right now. And somehow I discovered this year how many blooms I have in the spring - thats the result of "oh my we have to cheer up after winter"
That part of the city is like different city and in the last years the differences get deeper.
Having similar climate - that's interesting - I will have closer look.
Pots along driveway, lol.
You made perfect wrap up - exactly. If you need a garden you do at whatever conditions...
welcome here :) I do not garden in such clothes :) I prefer to have them really worn a lot, cos I like to get dirty in the garden... I feel closer to my cats crawling on the soil (WHY the heck?).
thank you for advice about lawn - I left info on your blog.
Different colors of the lawn are caused by lack of more serious maintenance of the lighter parts - it was made by previous owner and I was busy with starting plantings in the rest empty space.
I added organic fertiliser - I think that's a very good idea.
My rhodos which I replanted last year in the big black plastic pots and then placed in the soil, are doing well and one is about to have a beautiful bloom.
Thanks for stopping. I wonder how is rhodos doing :)
a wildlife gardener,
jay brings joy - right? I am so happy to see the garden changing and attracting more and more different creatures and their behaviours.
getting dirty is fun - right? like turning back to childhood :)
I love to get dirty in the garden... never felt that before and having before pretty "sterile attitude".
somebody also said, that sometimes gardens in pyjamas as well :)) so it all depends how gardening-thirsty you become :)
I wonder why your horses stay away from grass...
Getting to the garden and working is like getting in touch and getting lost in the universe - this feeling can not be disturbed by thinking about potential clothing ruining, right?
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