Today let me take you to the Botanical Garden in Powsin, located 10 km South of Warsaw. There is amazing collection of rhododendrons and azaleas. Right now they are in full bloom. Looking at them is a real treat for the eyes. Paradise? Secret Garden? Heaven? After such walk eyes are full of flowers and colors... On the picture above my mom and Rhododendron luteum...

Thank You! It is very beautiful collection in Poland.
Hi Ewa, Those are my favorite flowers, and I have never seen so many and so large in one place, surely it must be paradise, as you say. And your mom is adorable, I love her red coat!
Frances at Faire Garden
Oh, how beautiful! And how big! I love how the colors, especially the orange, POP!
They grow really well here in the Pacific Northwest. I always joke about "the rhodies that ate Seattle" because so many of our neighbors have enormous rhodies in their yards. The yellow and orange ones never cease to amaze me. Yes, that orange and lavender is a smashing combo. Defintiely eye candy!
Beautiful is all I can say after seeing photos from that garden!
These Azaleas and Rhodies are HUGE. It takes many years of growth to get to this size. A stunning collection. I am glad the people are in the pictures too so we can see the size of these shrubs.
I see I am back online JUST in time for these fabulous pictures! You are so lucky to be able to visit this wonderful garden. Such colors!! I love the orange and yes...with lavender! Who could imagine??
I hope you will stop by my blog again now that I am back posting.
That is just beautiful! I have just returned last week from a visit to Warsaw and Krakow! I missed that beautiful garden, must make a trip there next time.
Simply beautiful Ewa! What gorgeous colors!
Wow! Wow! and Wow! It must have seemed like a special gift to be in the middle of all that color.
Booaah! Ewa, what stunning colours. This IS a BEAUTIFUL Botanic Garden! It must be a very old one!
Those rhododendrons and azaleas are massive with striking colors. I do find that the lavender and orange go well together. I've noticed the same thing in my garden as well. Thanks so much for sharing!!
Ewa - thanks for alerting me to this delicious eye candy. Alas, no rhododendrons in our Southern California plant palette. When I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area they were easy to grow and Iused them in the gardens I designed. But they didn't look half as stunning as the ones in your photos. thanks for leading me over to your blog.
Billy G
Eye candy is the right word, Ewa. This is a fabulous garden and the colors are delicious looking. We can't grow these beauties in my part of Tennessee but we have some in the mountains in the eastern part of the state.
Gail, clay and limestone
Ewa, I don't think I've ever seen such beautiful rhododendrons!! The deep colors are stunning!
Ewa - I found a plausible answer to the bizarre cactus I posted for Green Thumb Sunday. Click over if you're interested.
Waht a beautiful botanical garden woith all those rhododendrons and azaleas! I love them. We also have an azalea "Golden Eagle" in our garden, but I fear it will take centuries until it looks like the one in this garden!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful impressions!
What a garden! Fantastic pictures - impressive azaleas indeed and your mom looks so sweet next to them!
May is the best month to see Rhodo's in flower. Here they get enormous in size too. Thanks for showing all these lovely pics of them in so many wonderful colours, simply stunning! You and your mother must have had a lovely time in that botanical garden surrounded by all those magical flowers.
How delightful, Ewa. Thank you for the color tour of 2 of my favorite flowering plants!
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