Today's post is long - so many blooms in May... I wanted to show in pictures most of open flowers. Buds are left behind.
GBBD is a tradition started by
Carol at May Dreams Gardens.
As first go alliums, which look interesting although they got small and tall - have to do something about it for next year :)

Anemone nemorosa

Azalea japonica

Azalea luteum (pontica) fragrant.

Azalea Soir de Paris - fragrant.

Azalea 'Moewe' - light fragrance.

Berberis in bloom.

Bottlebrush shrub -Fothergilla major - light fragrance.

My own first capsicum bloom ever...

Convallaria majalis - definately fragrant.

Darmera peltata - first bloom since I have invited it to the garden.

Dicentra spectabilis

Dicentra spectabilis

Euphorbia polychroma.

Blue forgetmenot.

Pink forgetmenot.

Himalayan Geranium Johnson's Blue.

Geranium phaeum.

Spirea vanhouttei.

Hyacintoides hispanica - blue and...

... pink.

Evergreen Iberis sempervirens with its asymetrical petals...

... and flat flowers.

Prunus laureocerasus Otto Luyken.

Levisia cotyledeon - small cute plant.

White lilac.

My second in blloming sequence Magnolia lilliflora "Nigra" together with tulips Claudia and Attila.

Pansies still doing well and even better :)

A fresh newcomer Pelargonium crispum Randy waiting to be planted in container.

This deserves to be on the list, because they bloom for the first time here: Pinus mugo.

Pinus mugo pumilla.

Pinus nigra.
They count right?

Not all my rhododendrons are suffering. This one is happy as you can see :)
Caucasicum Cunningham's White is growing in the large pot placed in soil.

Container newcomer - my favourite double surfinia intensively scented.

Last tulips in my garden are white :)

Greatest surprise of my garden this spring - first and very intensive fragrant blooms of wisteria either sinensis or floribunda - not sure yet - both are invited to my garden, only gardener forgot the name of the guests :) Which one is which one?
Planted 3 years ago, still small, but already in bloom thanks to heavy pruning.
It is exciting when a plant like wisteria flowers in your garden for the first time.
I enjoyed seeing all your spring blooms, and have some in common with you. A walk through your garden would be such a treat in May.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day again.
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Beautiful blooms Ewa. I wish I good get the great closeup photos of plants that you shoot...mine are often blurred.
Oh to grow the Azaleas...too neutral here but I have thoroughly enjoyed yours.
Clay and Limestone
Wow! All this in your garden? Today? Right now? That's just stunning!
Really beautiful. . . . .
I can only dream of a beautiful garden like yours. Most of the flowers you have are impossible in Texas! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Ewa, you have so many delightful flowers, I imagine your garden like a story book wonderland full of surprises. All your azaleas look good, thanks for telling us which ones are fragrant, that is good to know. And good job getting the wisteria to bloom!
Frances at Faire Garden
Ewa, your garden must be heaven right now! You have so many adorable Azaleas... Lovely pictures!
So many lovely blooms! We have many of the same blooming now. Flowers unite us all!
A always like to see northern countries gardens. So many of your plants would never grow here in our hot dry climate. Beautiful blooms.
I like the photo of your alliums, I think ours will still be a week or so coming. Also, the "bleeding hearts" make a nice image.
I am amazed at all you have blooming. Wonderful display.
All of your blooms are gorgeous from the small cute one to the large pines.
Your garden is positively bursting with joy at the moment, Ewa :)
I love the azaleas, as I don't have the right kind of soil to grow them...and your pink and blue bluebells are really sweet.
Great photos, Ewa :)
Oh, my goodness, Ewa! What a journey through your garden! I've never seen pink forget me not. I love the blue ones except their little seeds get in the dogs' fur. That pelargonium is beautiful. What a lovely environment you have created. Thank you for taking us through. I can smell the fragrance from here.
Ewa - Please stop by my blog and pick up an award!
Lovely, I love May.
I so enjoyed the lovely tour through your garden, thank you for sharing. Can I ask what type of fertilizer you like to use? I know almost nothing about fertilizing and thought I would ask my fellow bloggers what their favorites are. Thanks again!
Let me just say, disregarding the fact that you have such a wonderful garden, you really are an amazing photographer, and your photos are both so artistic and enchanting, makes me feel as though I'm walking down your garden path in person. Beautiful blooms. My compliments!
I love the scent of Wisteria, how great that it cooperated for Bloom Day. You certainly do have a lot of blooms going on now. I also have Anemone nemorosa, but the flowers on mine bloom just above the foliage, not on tall stalks like yours. I wonder why? Your flowers are all so lovely.
What a rich garden full of blooming flowers you have actually. Wonderful! It is May and every plant wants to show its beauty! I'll try to make the dandelion syrup next year. Thank you for this recipe!
Oh my goodness, Ewa--you were right! That's a long (and beautiful) list of blooms. :) It must be absolutely stunning at your garden right about now!
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