... or maybe on this one?

In these forests there are for example lichens that are 10.000 years old. You can spot it everywhere......

Even in the garden of the forestry office, some plants which were planted not so long time ago, are already colonised by lichen.... it is known, that it grows only in the cleanest environment.....

I love the different forests around the world. I had not heard of this one.The photos are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them.
Your photos are wonderful. I love forests and my joy is my little woods at the back of my yard. Loved this post as well as the hollyhock one. They are gorgeous.So fun to share beauty from around the world.
Beautiful lichens, beautiful deer, beautiful photos, Ewa :)
This forest is just beautiful. I could see the deer peeking out between the trees. The trees are so straight and tall.
Hi Ewa,
I have heard and read about this forest. It is so fantastic. Part of it is a national park. I personally think they should protect the whole forest as a National park for future Generations. To many of the beautiful forests in Europe and over the world Australia is no exception,fall to the greed.We had to fight to keep the wilderness in Tasmania! The greedy ones wanted to drown the whole area for the sake of a few japanese pulp mills.It is now world heritage and can't be touched by chainsaws!
But hey, I have nothing to say in this regard it is up to the polish people.
Very beautiful forest Ewa and yes I saw the deer straight away in the first pic. I just love those lichen, don't you? I have some on my old pear tree. Gorgeous pics!!!
Stay tuned, I will post more pictures of this unique place.
Especially in old forests, one can feel the power and spirit of it.
a Wildlife Gardener,
I am very happy, that you like it.
Yes, I don't know why trees grew so straight and also what is remarkable, trees are growing very dense...
There is a project of including this forests to the list made by UNESCO of 300 places on the Earth, which should be protected at any price. This forest was formed right after last ice age in Europe, 10.000 years ago. It is second largest forest in Poland.
I will post more pictures of it, cos place truly worth to share :)
I havent't seen before lichen growing on anything! I don't have it in my garden, because it is too young - I guess...
Lucky you!
Thank you for these pictures. It makes me think of medieval knights wandering through the trees on the way to their castle:)
beautiful photos Ewa. In Wales the air was this clean that the trees could drip lichen. You have a very special wood. Trees cast such a unique atmosphere.
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