I just came back from garden. Kind of surprised. Beside Aslan (The Cat) 'playing' with the mouse and husband lawn moving, I just have spotted flowers on my magnolia tree. I saw once yellow Magnolia blooming in September, right after planting - it was maybe 40 cm high, but my big Magnolia never bloomed at this season. It had some blooms in April and that was all sensations it provided. But in August???
Maybe it is caused by extraordinary wet weather + occasional heat we have. Like today, +30C.
Or maybe love it gets?

Ewa, it must be the love! ; )
Mine did the same last year - we must be terrific gardeners...
ooo I just love the smell of magnolia blooms! We had the most wonderful and old magnolia tree growing up, and I'd climb up and sit in that tree for hours. Thanks for the trip down memory lane -- and I vote that it's the love that has it blooming in August, Ewa.
xo Isa
That is happyness. A real beauty.
Thise year we dont have any luck with our Magnolias at all.
Only the Stelata bloomed.
Well well, better luck next year.
My Magnolia is blooming as well! I was as surprised as you are. Mine still has several pods that haven't opened yet so it looks as if I'll get a full blooming tree. What a sweet surprise.
I love the mysteries in the garden, especially when they are such beautiful blooms.
I've seen Japanese magnolias blooming out of season, too. Who knows why they do this?
Always Growing
HI, Ewa, Hmmm. I have been noticing that my neighbor's big white magnolia is in blossom so maybe it's a sympathetic sort of thing!? Enjoy!
Ewa, it's just a gift from Mother Nature in these troubling times. Love has its rewards!
I definitely think it's all of the love it's gotten from you;-)
My magnolia tree is also blooming in August. This is the first time for this to happen. Glad I'm not the only one this is happening to I was worried that my tree was confused on what season it was. (ha ha)
Cool! I also have magnolia flowers in my garden. My mom love's it too. Thanks for sharing.
My Magnolia is also in bloom and it looks just like your photo, Ewa. Are we special or what? Only hope that it still flowers as prolific next spring as it did this spring, and we don't miss out then !!
My Magnolia is also about to bloom again. Glad I did I search and found your site!
I havce 3 Jane magnolias. All 3 have always (about 15 years) bloomed beautifully in the spring. And all 3 have formed several buds in August every year. The buds never open and eventually fall off. One is in full sun the other two get afternoon shade from large white pine trees. Those that get afternoon shade had more buds. This year (2018) has been a very wet year in NJ and we have far more buds on all 3 of our JANE magnolias. Does anyone know how to get the buds to open? Do all others have the same problem, or do some of the buds open? In particular the little girl series of Magnolia's (Jane is just one of the little girl Mags).
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