This month for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, I have 3 plants that make my winter more bearable. It snows again. They forcast snowing for 6 next weeks! I can't believe it!
First is kalanchoe, low care plant and persistent bloomer in winter.

My poinsettia is doing pretty well - these are her last days this winter - I am going to stop watering, remove all leaves and make her dormant - so next winter she is again happy and greeting xms with me.

This succulent is blooming since December - constantly. Stem with flowers gets longer and longer, and new flowers open.Small flowers are pretty too :)
GBBD is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden - so if you are interested, just hop over there to see blooms from all over the world.
Hello Ewa,
it sure feels nice to see flowers in this COLD winter. We had a couple of rather fine days (between 5 and 10 degrees) 2 weeks ago, so I thought I'd take advantage of them... I did well because it hasn't stopped snowing ever since.
There is a school trip organised where I work, to Krakow and Oswiecim and they were looking for one more adult superviser. I volunteered, all excited... but now that I see your weather forecast, I'm getting scared ! When I was there 16 years ago it was in November, there wasn't any snow but it was COLD ! It's going to be in the last week of March, so we might still be in this weather... well wait and see.
Now I'll click the link and look at all the flowers.
You have some nice, color for this month. We our unusual cold weather, I hardly have anything blooming right now. My GBBD will be fairly skimpy.
Always Growing
Thanks for sharing the photo of your three reliable winter friends. It sounds like you've had a good chance to observe them more closely than you will once the snow melts and your garden gets to growing and blooming.
Your succulent is darling!
Like yourself, I have to make do with indoor plants.
Actually, I shouldn't complain, as the camelia trees are very nice to have around the house, even if one of them takes up a whole bath :-)
Wish I had more room or an extra greenhouse.
joco at
How wonderful to have all those lovely blooms. Do I sense a color theme of pretty pinks?
Cheerful colors for Fickle February.
Happy Bloom Day.
Gorgeous. I love the Kalanchoe. And, the poinsettia, proving that you CAN keep them looking pretty.
I like them best when they grow out of their compact "holiday" form, and into their rangy, natural form.
Beautiful blooms!!
Six more weeks of snow? I think it is time for a vacation where it is warmer:) Love the delicate blooms on the succulent - they are so pretty.
I just love kalanchoes. Yours are a pretty color. Happy GBBD.
aloha ewa,
i love your indoor blooms and that pointsettia is doing real well, you must be misting it quite a bit...they grow to be trees here in hawaii.
Your Poinsettia is beautiful, a lovely colour. Mine didnt last very well this year and has been condemed to the compost bin.
Six more weeks of snow???
And here some are complaining because we had another 2 cm last weekend, and from thursday on, milder temperatures are forcasted.
Good to have flowers inside when winter takes forever!
lovely blooms. I am amazed by your blog. Very enjoyable. The kalanchoe flowers are so pretty.
Ewa, You take wonderful photos...and with the winter we are still having the flower show is a treat. Have a good rest of the week~ gail
Seeing all those blooms cheers me up! I'm going to the nursery today to pick up some bulbs to put on my windowsill. My orchids are getting ready to bloom, and I may have to pick up a Kalanchoe - love that color!
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