I am always short of time when I go to garden - so many things to do and the day is so short. I look for reasonable solutions that will cut amount of work, without make my garden look dull or neglected.
This little beauties is also sedum, but red one Vodoo (Sedum spurium).
Carefee, durable and giving stunning contrast.
During my last inspection in the garden I had closer look at each plant and as always in the spring I am amazed how sweet and beautiful is Sedum spectabile - this on on the picture is Autumn Joy that grows especially well.
Must have in every garden.

Carefee, durable and giving stunning contrast.
They are also great for growing in containers on the hot spots :)
If you don't have too much time, thats great solution for you :)
They are carefree, beautiful, durable, fast growing and long lived. For zones 3-11, deer and drought proof :)
Ewa, my sedums are beginning to show a little life too. I like the color of Vodoo.
Hi Ewa - I have Autumn Joy in my garden too. It's a great plant. I just shredded my cutting back of them yesterday - what a coincidence to find your post at the same time!
Hello Ewa !
I am a huge fan of sedums and I have quite a selection in my garden too ! ..
They are a plant you can really rely on coming forth .. looking great all the time.
Great pick !
You are so right about the sedums. They are perfect for the beginner or experienced gardeners, being so easy and offering so much. The autumn joy was one the very first perennials I ever planted, a passalong from a neighbor many years ago. It took zero gardening skill to grow it and it looked good all year.
Frances at Faire Garden
I like sedum spectabile a lot too, they are great from early spring until late autumn.
There are so many sedum sorts....and all are "easy-care-plants". I just discovered their coming out when I was working in the garden today. The longer, the more I'm looking for carefree plants....
ooh I love the voodoo one! I wonder if I can grow that in Marrakesh!
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