Extraordinary warm temperature in February in a way makes me happy, but worries also as well.
I made first cleaning yesterday in the garden and by surprise I saw that many plants either woke up, or just about...
Galanthus nivalis opened his flowers finally for me as well - its view is so refreshing.
I would call it must have in every garden.
I'm so glad your snowdrops have arrived at last Ewa!
I absolutely agree - Snowdrops are a must in every garden! So pretty, they bring the promise of Spring! /Katarina
WOW sweet peas are growing for summer flowers :-) Sweet peas are a favourite of mine, wonderful perfume! Spring is well on the way here but we could do with some sunshine :-)
VP, your snowdrops counting makes me amazed - maybe one day I will have more than 5 of them :)
katarina, thank you for visiting.
chris, this is my first year with Sweet peas - I tried last year, but too late. I hope for wonderfully scented plants :)
Hurray!!! Ewa has got her own snowdrops too and how lovely they look too!
Today was a very mild day here as well between 12 to 15 C. Not bad for February but, as you say, both a good thing and something to worry about.
Hi Yolanda! Your enthusiasm made me really smile :) Our day was wonderful - fully spring, just not enough blooms yet :)
Ewa, I love your snowdrops, what a nice surprise. This year the sweet peas were planted outside in late fall, about half of them survived and are starting to grow up the fence. It gets hot here very quickly in spring so we need that head start. Good luck with yours.
Frances at Faire Garden
Yes, I have a few snowdrops in my garden too. Lovely surprises in late winter.
I want some snowdrops. I think the squirrels ate them all...
Robin at Bumblebee
we usually place the sweat peas directly in the ground - I just wanted to give them earlier start :)
Yes, they are sweet - I neglected them in my garden and there is just 5 of them :)) but I promised myself to get more :)
What do you mean 'squirrels ate them' ?????
Oh how beautiful!!!
Ewa - My daughter and I always plant the sweet pea seeds together. In California, we planted in October. In New England, we wait until the ground unfreezes in March. I also have some wild sweet peas that just appear every Spring on their own. But I want some snowdrops! How beautiful.
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