September flowers is the subject of this month Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day. Thank you for visiting. Let me show you some of September flowers flowering this morning in my garden.

Rose of Sharon.

Rose The Fairy.

Both Pelargoniums were overwintered already 4 years and they are still fine, blooming great. The lower one had an accident one month ago. Unfortunate pot was blew away by the wind and majority of poor Pelargonium got broken. The plant you see on the lower picture is only the remaining bottom which was saved. It seems to be happy to survive - look how many flowers appeared - I have a feeling it says "thank you, for not throwing me to compost heap".

Sedum spectabile Autumn Joy.

This is New England Aster known before as Aster novae-angliae, but today its taxonomy has changed to Symphyotrichum novae-angliae.

White petunia bought recently to fill the empty pot looks especially nice at the twilight - when white flowers glow like stars on the sky.
Perovskia articipfolia selfseeded - look where she is growing - in October I will move her to a better place.

Mophead hydrangea.

Lavender is still blooming. Maybe it is not so prolific, but still charming.

Hydrangea paniculata Limelight.

Oh, I am SO envious of your colchicum! Ever since I first saw them on Gardening by the Yard I have been fascinated with them and their "nakedness". They would not do real well in my desert garden, but one of these days I'd like to try them in the greenhouse. Thanks so much for sharing!!!
All of California's asters were moved to Symphotrichum too. Argh!
I like the Brugmansia in a smallish pot. I want to copy that.
You have great blooms for September!! They are all spectacular. I need to get to the nursery and pick up some petunias and pansies..
Making a note to grow pelargoniums next year. Happy Bloom Day.
So many beautiful blooms, Ewa! You and my mother are the only people I know who can overwinter pelargoniums and keep them looking this gorgeous:)
Hydrangeas are my next project Ewa...I adore them and think I have found the right spot for them, xv.
Your Hydrangeas look lovely. I must remember not to deadhead mine. I like the bloom color of your plant formerly known as Aster. But then, I've never met an "Aster" that I didn't like. The Brugmansia is fantastic!
Lovely garden you have there ... a big tree for shade, a nice cluster of flowering plants, a wooden bench. Definitely a peaceful place after hours of sweat and getting yourself dirty a little bit!... ~bangchik
Plants gorgeous, great photography.
Love...adore the table/bench pic. Perfect outdoor 'office' !
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
That brugmansia looks so good in that pot! I can't believe how well it is doing because mine never did anything in pots. What is the secret? The colchicum is wunderbar!
I've read about The Fairy on other blogs, but this is definitely the best picture of it that I have seen. Now I want it.
love your roses and hydrangeas...which I was at your garden nosing around...for the scent..
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