Have you heard before... it is easy to plant, more difficult to correct mistakes. Watch this case and think 10 times before you choose a place for the tree...
Wanna see how it left the garden? Have a look below...
Thujas Smaragd will form nice looking evergreen hedge between two the garden parts. Smaragd is nicely green even in the winter, which is not so common. I planted them in the final place, but the maple was supposed to be gone much earlier. Because it was not, today it was not so easy to remove it without harming thujas.
Tomek's idea was to use ropes and move thujas to the sides as much away as it was possible... to open the working space...
Zbyszek and Leszek were digging it out, while Tomek was pulling to see how strong it still hold on to the soil. Thujas were nicely opened...
Three Men At Work. Tomek had to pull it to the other side as well to see how strong are the roots still holding on...
It all took one hour untill my Norway maple Red Royal was ready to get prepared for travel... These are the roots being wrapped...
See, how nicely packed it was?
Final touch...
And final loading... this is how much it could go inside.
And Bye, Bye! Have a nice life little maple! I hope to pay a visit once in a while... Tomek... take good care of it! I know where you live...
Recommended reading The Essential Garden Design Workbook: Second Edition
È sempre bello veder fare un lavoro così per una pianta! Sicuramente dopo tutto questo il nuovo padrone la tratterà benissimo!
Un saluto :)
Lo spero :)
Good work Ewa - lucky the maple tree found a good new home :-) I am not so happy about my neighbours Thuja - to big, to dark…but maybe your variety s a nicer one. Good luck :-)
Hello Barbara :) This is the best thuja variety. You may read more about it here: http://www.greatplantpicks.org/plantlists/view/1552
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