.... while some of us are seeking something sweet and kicking ......
..... first we see seciession antique apartment house in Mokotowska street.....
..... then secret backyard's patios ...

... ''pink shoes" walkes us places, I would probably not see coming as tourists ...

.... going out we see again old apartment house....

.... and something very special! beautiful large brugmansia... I saw many of them before....

... but none made such impression... do you see the pots? ...
.... it makes the difference .... even staking looks elegant :)
'Pink shoes' got a headache, so we went home.....
It sounds like those pink shoes kept you out in the sun too long. What a lovely walk. I love the old architecture.
I share your fascination with daturas. The first one I ever saw was in Frankfurt's botanical gardens. I think I sat there, admiring it in detail, for at least half an hour. Then I saw them again in Luisiana and planted one on my patio. In Costa Rica and in Puerto Rico they are huge, like trees (perhaps they are trees?). Most often I see yellow ones, sometimes white, like the first one I ever saw, and in Costa Rica they were pink: fisrts dark pink, then fading to light pink. But, if I am not mistaken, they are poisonous and thus should not be grown when small children can chew on them. But let's hope I am mistaken.
I adore beautiful, old architecture no wonder you find those special places wearing these funky pink shoes. The Daturas look great. We call them Angel Trumpets their scent in the evenings is heavenly! They grow very easily from cuttings.
Those pots are huge! Very impressive. Love the pink shoes.
Tourists never get to see what natives have access to do they!
Ewa, Those flowers are fabulous, and so wonderfully fragrant. The plants are very graceful too. They can get tree-size.
I have variagated ones - one of them I started from a cutting. The leaves are huge on the variagated variety. Mine haven't bloomed yet, but they are beautiful even with just their foliage.
I think those are brugmansia, also called Angel's Trumpet. Datura and brugmansia have similar flowers, and are easily mistaken. The blooms on brugmansia are pendulous, whereas on datura the blooms are upright. I have a datura too, but it is languishing from a spider mite attack. Both datura and brugmansia are very toxic (all parts of the plants.)
Thank you for the tour. What lovely architecture!
pink shoes were very inspiring...
I saw them before also, but somehow these trumpets do not make same impressions, as here - they are up and you can look into its 'eyes'.
Yes, they are trees as I have learned :) and yes, they are poisonous and have the fame of one of the oldest medicines - holy plant.
I was also finding Warsaw beautiful. That was pretty surprising for me :)
They are big, but also pots made them look more special :)
So they are rather brugmansias - thank yoy for that. In Poland they are both popularly called 'datura' or 'angel's trumpets' :)
I got feeling to have one :) but only in huge and beautiful pot.
Greetings and thank you for visiting, Ewa
I loved to see a bit of aristocratic Warsaw. And Datura is amazing! They must overwinter it in a very warm place, because its leaves are frost burnt, even in Portugal!
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