Lately I think I got stuck with dandelions - that was my way to tame them :) I think every gardener needs that sooner or later, right?
While I was stuck,
Victoria, a great blogger at Teachings of the Horse gave me the award!
This is always so nice to know, that out there is somebody appreciating something you pore over long hours...
Yes, it is good to have friends...
I hope, one day to see in real world, so if you are planning to come to Poland, please let me know, it would be so nice to meet :)
So my choice of blogs to award would be following...
Barbara at Abenteuer Garten - for showing us beautifully warm and different ways to look at gardening.
Yolanda Elizabet at Bliss - for cheering us up and showing in a witty, warm, friendly way all interesting things about gardening and felines, for taking us to excursions to new, great places and for teaching us how to make great potager.
Frances at Faire Garden - for wonderful, warm and witty ways to write about garden and great photography.
Laeriss at A Heart in Provence - for utter, absolute, breath-stopping and implicit beauty in pictures, that give the justice to this awesome beauty on the Earth.
Billy at Garden Wise Guy - for teaching us how to approach compositions in the garden in direct and uncompromising ways :)
I wish to keep on reading your blogs for long, long years and I hope you accept this award as a humble sign of appreciation :)