Temperatures gets up and down in 24 hours. Nuts waiting for squirrels are frozen - it was water for few days, now it is ice. Changes are weird and not typical for this season. I just read the forecast for next 6 months and it says there will be no winter - in March we are going to experience temp +20C - let's see.
I just realise looking at the pictures I made in the garden, that my thermometer has both scales Celsjus and Fahrenheit - how convenient and a lot easier to understand what it means that our friends in Canada are experiencing -10F. BRRRR!!!!
If anyone would like to use this picture for own convenience, please feel free to copy.
If you think I shall photograph the upper scale, please let me know in comments.

Helleborus niger - ready to jump up, just when the weather will be better...

Pretty, little shrubbery growing to the hight of 10 cm is still holding red berries - how persistent plant, isn't it?
Gaultheria procumbens - it requires acidic soil, so as it spreads, I improve the soil around it.

Life in the pond has difficult time, when it is completely frozen.
Fishes there need some air, therefore we put this white polysterene water-hole.
It worked well last 2 winters, but look what this melting and frezing of last days has done.
Even if there is sand inside and stone on it (still visible on the picture), ice pushed it out...

Crocuses are ready....

As main garden helper... Aslan has to check also every place that I check...
I wonder what he sees there?

Tree barks are fascinating to me....

Last summer, begining of August I took zilions of cuttings of lavender. After using growth hormone, I placed it in the pot and left it completely alone outside among other plants.
Look, I got 7 new plants - they seem to be fine and they are still outside.
Even if small percent of cuttings survived it is still own produced 7 plants.
That will help me to rearrange part of the garden, right?

Primula denticulata ready to flower soon....

...and tulips...

Even forgotten bulb, that dropped not noticed during autumn works, wants to grow - just without a gram of soil - shows how much nutrition is inside and only ittle water is enough...

Fragaria looks suprisingly green, if you think about fragaria. This one is evergreen and flowers almost 11 months. Now little buds are waiting to open...

Chasing spring... ultimate solution - visit at big house plant wholesaler.
This way I found instant spring.
I love this place - I feel like in paradise, especially in the winter it has a healing effect...

...pink (begonia)...

... and red WINTER TREAT ...

City gardening could be full of surprises. Just look: a flowering yucca :) at the winter window of sushi bar...