Fuchsia - no name. Could you help to find its name?

Rose - also no name. It was written just "patio rose" on the label - this is rediculous, that THEY think it is enough.

Rose Chopin - healthy plant and very persistent bloomer - it blooms till November. Last year, when winter was mild, it gave us last flowers in December.

"New Dawn"

The Pink Fairy.

Digitalis purpurea - late blooming - who knows why. Usually in Poland they bloom in June, but as it is with human beings - there is always somebody who makes things different...

This Denrathema used to be pure white last year...

This yellow dendrathema was the the closest color to orange I could find. Still keep looking, because for some reasons I need orange in autumn garden.

This unusally looking clematis x triternata "Rubromarginata" is blooming since July and it is fragrant.

Periclymenum Serotina - beautiful and strong scenting. Blooms since June.

White pelargonium - fantastic for containers. Looks like it can survive without extra watering.

H. macrophylla - last new flower.

Tagetes tenuifolia

Nasturtium decided to climb the tree.

This big hairy critter - that I don't know what it is - parked entire afternoon on the butterfly bush. Lookes pretty scary - do you see those black big eyes?

Periwrinkle again on duty...

Anemone hupehensis still blooming...

Hydrangea paniculata Tardiva slowly passing away, but still beautiful...

Hydrangea arborescens Annabelle blooms in June, but with remowing the growing tips in May, the blooming period may be prolonged. Some may prefer her big flowers, but I think they are too big to look nice - they usually look down, because the stems have difficulty to hold them upright.

H. Paniculata Kyushu

Hydrangea paniculata Limelight turning slowly into pinkish shades....

Phlox paniculata still keeping single blooms and hosting guests...

Sharon rose last blooms...

Sedum Bertram Anderson...
Garden Bloggers; Bloom Day is kindly hosted by
Carol at May Dreams Garden, for what the blogosphere is thankful :))