October 28, 2008
Legend of the seeker?Consumer confidence?

October 27, 2008
Most Loved Old Apple Tree - Without Pesticides

That is the most beautiful apple tree I ever saw - the very first words, that slipped out of my mouth were "Owww..... you love it, right? This is the most loved apple tree I saw".
"I truly love it" - my friend said - "It is very old, sometimes I talk to her and cheer her up".
There is no chemicals applied. Abundance of fruits makes family and all friends happy.
Sometimes there are worms in the apples, but that is life - we need to share things we have, right?
It was planted by my friends father and until today it is pruned every year. Under the tree, you can see periwinkle growing, accompanied with yellow tulips in the spring.
I will always think of it as Most Loved Apple Tree.
Organic insect repellent Pure Neem Seed Oil - quart
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Even doctor said today, that he is healing very very fast :))
We took off the collar. With the bandage story was different - Atomik himself took care of it, right first night. While having collar on.
Maybe he is not running yet, but his eyes are wide open and curious with the world again :)
Thank you again :)
October 25, 2008
Atomik needs your positive energy

Poor Atomik came home with serious wound on his paw. It didn't seem it will pass by itself, so we took him today do local vet 'Mrs Ewa - The Pet Doctor'.
After checking and little nervous discussion, vet decided, that there is an operation needed in anesthesia.
He was very good cat - not complaining too much during the examination.
Itteh Bitteh Kitteh got that protective collar so, he would not remove the bandage.
Now he is at home, sleeping on my laps while I am writing.
We have next visit scheduled for tomorrow at 9.00 despite that it is Sunday.
I know you are good hearted, so you will send your positive thinking for our beloved cat, even if you will not take time to leave a comment.
Thank you.
October 21, 2008
Golden Autumn
... swans got bigger than usual...
... but pancakes smaller than usuall... however very yummy, especially after looooooooooooooooooooooooooong walk. It was about 4 hours...
Does anybody know where time goes?
October 20, 2008

and I always had a very strong regret, that I have not been close enough to him before he died...
and I missed him a lot...
One day I decided to write a letter to him - just to get things out of my thoughts, have a closer look at it and either throw it away or cherish it deep in
my heart.
My days were busy, I was working full time and was a single mom.
My son was 7 years old, so I didn't have much time for myself until he went to bed.
That day he fell asleep before 10 p.m. It was dark outside. I felt like that was the day to do something about it.
I took my notebook, sat at the table, turned off everything....
I started to think... how my dad was in his best days... how he died... and what I would like to tell him... but I couldn't manage to do so when he was among
I took a pen and started to write all. Without following any path or planning the sentences. Whithout thinking whether it is right or wrong... whether I make
any mistakes... it was flowing straight from my heart and spirit to that blank piece of paper in front of me.
It was dark outside and silent in the house...
... then suddendly the CD player got turned on by itself and started to play my favourite album. It was from Seal. The CD was in the player before, because I
listened to it in the weekend.
You have to believe me, CD player got turned on by itself.
For some reasons I was not surprised. While writing, I must have been put myself into such an intense mood that I wasn't scared. Even if the event was so
I looked at what I wrote, I listened to the music and shortly after went to bed. I knew I was not done with writing, but it was already late. I decided to
continue the next evening.
Next day, after my son fell asleep, I took the notebook again, sat at the same table and started to concentrate...... after some time I started to write...
... and again...
CD player got turned on by itself. The same album of Seal started to play...
This time I got scared. I turned it off and went to bed, covering myself fully, including my head...
October 19, 2008
Art for Sale - Biggest Auction of Polish Painting Ever
This was the largest collection of Polish paintings, owned privately, that came to the market at the same time.
When I think about art - beauty or creativity comes first to my mind, but there is no art without money. Paintings appeared on the market, because one richest Poles, Ryszard Krauze, decided to get rid of part of his collection. Why? Nobody knows. He is selling his companies, paintings etc. Unofficially there are only speculations - one of them says he decided to move out from Poland due to some 'misunderstandings' with our current political moguls (Kaczynski bros. - one of them is president of Poland). Others say, he 'knows better' the coming economic situation.
Just to give you the idea about the size of wealth we are talking about, based on the list of Forbes published 2008 (Polish edition) the ranking (in Billions of US dollars) of reachest Poles is following:
1. Leszek Czarnecki - 2,6 (world's ranking 446)
2. Michał Sołowow - 1,9 (world's ranking 652)
3. Ryszard Krauze - 1,3 (world's ranking 897)
From financial POV this auction's total sale's value was 'only' 1,5 million US dollars, but from Polish paintings 'change of hands' POV - that was one of the largest events ever.
That's enough of introduction, let's have some FUN! and finally see the paintings. This is a mixture of antique and modern art.

Alicja Hohermann 'Dancer from a cabaret' 1935

Bruno Schulz (1892-1942) "Enchanted City II"

Jakub Cukier "Portrait of a woman"(1900-1969)

Jan Matejko "Portrat of Zdzisław and Bolesława Wlodkow as children" 1862

Jerzy Nowosielski "Nude Hydra" 1973

Leon Wyczolkowski "Roses" 1903, 1907

Mrozowska and Milewski (Klara and Albin) from Melpomena Portfolio
October 12, 2008
Strike the pose!
Let me introduce you to Zofia - she is one of the squirrels loved by Varsovians - they feed, get excited and follow Zofia and her large family living in the largest park in Warsaw.
There is a lot squirrels in my neighbourhood, but they are not so brave........
......running to every visitor......... for something.................
October 11, 2008
City Gardens - beautiful, small garden in Warsaw welcomes Autumn...

Asters (!) in the pots look fresh and surprising. Look at the right upper corner - yellow and red color combination - that is painted by Autumn Fairy... you see more of it further in this post...

We pass the entrance to the house... and pass by the porch - that narrow space is arranged in such a way, that it seems wider than in reality. Yellow leaves are at their peak now in Poland.

On our way to the back garden we pass asters in the pots...