White rose, Rosa fillipes "Kiftsgate" growing in England is the largest rose bush in the world.
It current size is 90 feets x 80 feets x 50 feets high, or in metric it is 24m x 27 m x 15m high.
I haven't found info about any other rose growing that large! If you live next to it, just please let me know.
On the photo you see picture of Kiftsgate taken in Austria - it bloomed for the first time after few years and at the lenght of 6 meters.
/click to enlarge the photo and see the white flowers in the upper part of the photograph/.
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While winter is still trying to show us the power, Polish Orchid Society organised this weekend orchid show. The beauty of flowers is brightening cold sunday.

Show was hosted at Warsaw University Library, ultra modern building. Some arrangements were in strong contrast to character of building.

I would have nothing against having that many orchids in one room. Let me show you some of those beautiful plants.



Paphiopedilum argus.




Oncidium Twinkle.


Lycaste Candida.

Epidendrum Cliare.

Encylia Vittelima.


Cymbidium hybr.

Cattleya hybr.

Cattleya hybr.

Brassavola glauca.
I fed my eyes and soul again. What is your way to hold on till Spring?
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Let me take you today for a trip to Krakow, my urban love - the oldest city in Poland. The history dates back to the 7th century. It used to be the capital of Poland from 11th to 16th century, then the capital was moved to Warsaw, but Krakow inhabitants had never forgiven that ugly move, so there is still kind of "silent war" between Krakow and Warsaw.

These pictures were taken on Tuesday, as I had the chance to have business trip to Krakow and combine duty and pleasure. Met few wonderful people and fed my eyes and soul completely.

Snowing again since Friday.
I took these pictures 10 minutes ago.
Doesn't matter how much we long for Spring - winter weather and winter scenes makes the world look like fairytale.
These winter photos make me think that I would miss snow, if I had to live in hot climate.
If you like to grow indoor plants, pay attention while purchasing, whether they can bloom in winter to keep you holding on until spring. Plants that are blooming in winter doom weeks are precious jewellery in the house. They cheer you up and make you smile whenever you get that feeling of cancelling winter. This is my February blooms collection.

African violet.

Stephanotis, that is also wonderfully scented.
Recommended further reading
The Plant Recipe Book: 100 Living Arrangements for Any Home in Any Season

Phalaenopsis flowers are lasting up to 6 months, so why not decide to learn to take care of them. They are much easier to grow and rebloom, than majority thinks. Orchid flowers spread some kind of magic and elegance around - barely eat and drink, but keeps blooming long and profound. Read my tips how to grow and rebloom orchids easy
here and

Hardy Geranium is in bloom again. It was resting in January, but now again there is flowers, see? And many new buds are appearing too. Try to over winter your Pelargonium next year.

Euphorbia milli gave me now 11 little red flowers, that make me happy.
I have read lately, that some gardeners are deeply confused what is Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, so let me wrap it shortly. It is the tradition created by garden bloggers around the world. The founder of the idea and host every month is
Carol at May Dreams Gardens. Everyone may participate on the 15th of each month, by publishing on the blog, pictures of blooms in the garden and also indoor. The aim of Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day (GBBD) is to make our neighborhood more cheerful and beautiful.