Yes. Let's don't see it!
Let's look at the pictures I have made in the last weeks instead.

Semervivum in the pot I have discovered after being tired of watering various blooming plants, or rather not being able to water them regularly. You know how it is. You water it everyday, or even twice a day, and then... suddenly... unexpectedly... there comes a day that you are busy with other parts of your life... and your plants are not able to recover from that one day. So I started to look for solutions. Sempervivum and other plants liking drought are first class solution.

Some types of gras goes well in the pots too. This one I bought one year ago. It was growing in one of the beds and actually disappearing among other plants.
I was surprised to see its beauty after moving to pot! It shines!
Unfortunately I don't remember the name - for that I have to wait until next year...

Hemerocallis I have got from mama, when my garden was still empty. So it was one of the first plants here. What is the name of it?

Do you also have a feeling, that on the pictures everything looks better? Or rather on the pictures - you see it in objective way, because you do not see: empty places to be filled, plants to be moved (and until you do it, they simply make your eyes aching), plants to be treated, because of the spots on the leafs etc. I vote for second version! Ooops, voting is very popular word since we have election on Sunday and there is big campaign to encourage us to take part in it. Anyway.
In this section most bothering for me is Perovskia atriplicifolia, which does not look well in this place and has to be moved. I am walking around and thinking how to compose it and where to plant it. I have some ideas already.
Biggest surprise for me is this Euphorbia characias Humpty Dumpty. I am very fond of english gardens and when I was sweeping through magazines (The English Garden - my favourite) I was amazed by biiiig euphorbias I could see sometimes on the pictures. Looking so breathtaking and ornamental. I was not aware that some of them are hardy enough to grow in zone 6. What I also didn't know, that they are evergreen! and they look marvelous in the winter.
Very beautiful, little bluish-green perennial for gardens - Euphorbia characias Humpty Dumpty

Lonicera periclymenum Serotina has everything: beautiful scent and is blooming entire summer until October

Hellenium autumnale yellow-red-brown in colour. I do not know the name of it - if you know please let me know :)
It looks great, but it is blooming pretty short, or I do something wrong? Any tips?

In this pot there is wisteria growing. It ill be trained as 'tree' and probably will grow in soil after I finally decide the place for her.

Aralia elata will hide street view and neighbour's house - one day. Today it is just 1m tall.
Unexpectedly... this year... the ugliest part of the garden became the nicest. Parthenocissus covered fence and is hiding street, pines and taxus grew. Taxus media Hicksii will be dense and dark green hedge one day - a great background to display other plants on the bed in front. Pines will be a northern windshield after they grow.
So for the first time, this year I felt like this part became real garden :) REAL :)
But actuallytoday... when I take closer look, I am getting little nervous, because most of the plants which are growing there, are NOT in their final spots. And it will be me who will move them.

Colchicum autumnale is flowering here end of August and in September. I was so surprised with that, that I had to have it in my garden. Today I have a feeling that it is a rather oddity in the garden, cos its colour does not suit the season...

Dahlia - like a little sun. The fly u see was very stabborn - I was trying to scare it, so it goes away from my picture frame, but NO. I tried several times. It definately wanted to be pictured.

Streptocarpus also received from mama :) who is a great fan of them.

Maybe this clematis is not most beautiful one, but it has to be appreciated for it's low requirements and unstoppable vigour. If you have any problems with growing clematis take Clematis x jackmanii - one of the most pest resistant. It flowers entire summer as well.

OOh, here it comes one of my favourite group of plants, which is hydrangeas. This one is Hydrangea paniculata Tardiva. Beautiful shrub flowering in the season, when most flowers are gone, so it is more than welcomed in he garden. It opens it's beautiful white flowers in August and blooms for 2 months. If you want to have hydrangea paniculata blooming also in October look for 'Limelight' - hydrangea that blooms latest in autumn. It is still blooming in my garden. At the beginnig flowers are in little limon colour, then they transform to cream white.

Cuninghamia lanceolata - evergreen conifer native in China. Not typical for Poland, because not fully hardy in zone 6. Mine is 3 years old. For first winters I was covering it, but this year I will not do it - it grew out of his child's years, I guess.
It has unique ability, to get read of frost damaged branches by itself - I read it somewhere, did not see it. Do you have any experience?

Raspberry Polana is still having fruits that I eat straight from the shrub. It gets fruits rom July until october, on this year's branches, so it is easier to maintain - doesn't need staking.

Tired? maybe cup of hot tea, coffee or milk? Yes. I go to get some... green tea I guess...