On 16th I made some amendments, cos some plants were forgotten - sorry :)

This post is part of the tradition started by
Carol of May Dreams Gardens. Every 15th of the month garden bloggers all of the world are posting pictures of the blooms in their gardens. So if you visit
May Dreams Gardens, you can check what is going on current month in the gardens all over the globe.
I have a lot of news on flowering in my garden. Surprisingly a lot of flowers. Why "surprisingly"? Before I joined GBBD, I didn't realise there is that many flowers in April in my garden. So joining GBBD helps it keep track of what is going on and - I guess - which month needs more attention while planning corrections.
On the pictures above and below Prunus cerasifera Atropurpurea - planted last year, after seeing this amazing small tree flowering pink in other gardens.

Tulipa kaufmanniana Giuseppe Verdi - the earliest flowering tulips in my garden

in combination with violet ericas in the background

Hellebores are going away, but still looking nice.

This tulip 'Red Shine' is named because when the sun strikes the flowers they glow with shiny red color. They literally outshine any other red tulip in the garden. Picture doesn't lie - they look like little lamps.
Actually they are not doing too well - I connect it with the plastic boxes they grow in.
This year I am going to remove them. If you look for red tulips for your garden, get interested with "Red Shine".

one of the most beautiful bloom in my garden ..... Mr Atomik


Violets slowly appearing in different parts of the garden.

Small and cute.

Elephant Ears - Bergenia cordifolia x crassifolia "Silver Light" ("Silberlicht")

Erica darleyensis "Kramer's Rote"

These white flowers of erica are of unknown kind.

Primula dentata

Scilla sibirica

Can you see how thin Aslan became. This belly, this face - just skin and bones - oww... love has its price. Few days ago we neutered him - finally. Hopefully he will gain some weight soon.


Blooming Forsythia is lightening this part of the garden. We keep it tall, so in the summer leaves are hiding the street at least a little.
The white flowering tree is a good example of 'borrowed landscape" - because it is growing at neighbour garden on the other side of the street. It adds a lot of beauty to my garden as well.

Pansy with morning dew...

Hyacinths growing also - by surprice - on the composting sod (below)

Periwrinkle is in ful bloom right now - it looks really nice.

Crown imperial - Fritillaria imperialis - is about to open.

Bleeding heart - Dicentra spectabilis - on its way to bloom.

Very modest, but striking blue color of Omphaloides verna. It is not very popular, but very sweet little plant, that beside the beauty has the covering functions as well.

Mahonia aquifolia - great for shaded areas, has scented blooms.


Prunus triloba

Arabis caucasica

Little (few cm) plant, that I can't remember the name - somebody is recognising?
Lovely pics of lovely blooms in a lovely garden. It is surprising how much is in bloom already in your garden Ewa. And here I was thinking that it would be very cold in Poland in April still. :-)
I hope Aslan will gain some weight soon. I'm looking after a stray male cat called Macavity and he's very thin now too. Love does indeed have its price!
Hi Ewa, your garden looks so inviting. I really love the long shot in addition to the close ups, I would like to stroll along and then take a break on your bench with you to tell about your garden and anything else you would wish to say. That primula dentata is amazing, I must look for that one. I love your tulips kaufman, having never tried them. Add it to the shopping list!
Stunning pictures of your garden and flowers, Ewa; thank you. You're right about Bloom Day making us all so much more aware of what is flowering right now.
Lovely indeed. I love the butterfly picture.
Oh Ewa, your garden looks beautiful! We're still dropping down into the 20'sF at night, so we're about a month behind you. It gives me hope and reminds me that good things are yet to come!
Great Pulsatilla shots! My camera refuses to believe the color of mine. :-( Your garden is so lovely now, especially the Ericas.
Your blooms are just gorgeous Ewa. The way you trained your forsythia to be tall is great. It looks like a fountain of sun rays.
You have so many beautiful things in bloom that I don't know where to begin. I think my favorite has to be those huge primulas. Wow!
What a great list, Ewa! I love those primula dentata--such a lovely blue color.
Do you know if your bergenia is also sold as 'Silberlicht'? I only took German for one semester, so I am not so good at translating... but it sounds close to me. Either way, those blooms are beautiful. Much pretter (IMHO) than the common pink flowers on mine.
So MANY blooms, Ewa, where do I start? Delighted to see that you have Omphalodes too-I don't know why it isn't more popular, because it's a stellar performer in our garden, quiet and unassuming but covering itself in flowers.
Yes, love does have its price...Aslan will pick up weight shortly, I'm sure. His expression was priceless, like he KNOWS something is missing.
Congratulations, by the way, on your Mousie nomination! You're certainly a favourite for me, both because you teach me about your part of the world and your photography is just stunning.
beautiful pictures of the flowers in your garden in spring, we're heading into winter down here & everything seems to be going into hibernation..bit like me!
Love, love, lovely Ewa so much spring, beautiful pictures!
Temperature in April depends really on the year - is not too stable. In general May is always full of blooms and we are pretty close to it.
Poor Aslan is getting better - even staying at home at night sometimes :) what an event!
This makes me happy, that my garden looks inviting to you :) You made good choices for your shopping list :)
Nan Ondra,
Welcome and I am happy that you like my photos :)
thank you for taking time and having a look :)
Thank you for visit :)
Owww... still one month.. I cross my fingers spring comes to you earlier this year :)
Thank you for coming and leaving a message. What is exactly the problem 'pulsatilla vs your camera'?
I also like this 'forsythia cloud' - actually we have constinuous discussions what to do with it :)
Thanks for coming - those blue primulas are really very nice plant in the garden :)
Black Swamp Girl,
This bergenia is Silberlicht, you are right.
What is IMHO BTW?
You are so right about Aslan...His expression often tells me 'Don't you think I look like an idiot now?'.
Am I nominated in Mousie? OMG! I am so surprised! You brought the biggest surprise to me. There is so many beautiful blogs out there :) Thanks for the news :)
Congratulations to you - so many nominations!
Garden Gnome,
Welcome to my blog and please come back again :) Winter... has its nice sides - you may have a look at the garden with different eyes and check your garden's winter beauty and plan the corrections.
Nice to see you here :)
those are some seriously beautiful blooms ewa. Lots of unknown plants (to me at least). Great GBBD post!
Ewa, you certainly have got loads of pretty plants flowering already - great pictures! I especially loved the pictures of Pulsatilla - exquisite!
An abundance of awesome photography. Whenever I stop by, there's just more and more garden treats. Thank you for sharing your garden magic with us.
What a lot of beautiful blooms in your garden already, EWA :)
Love Aslan. He's gorgeous :)
Beautiful blog!I found the link onto your blog on other gardener's blog. I am surprised to see so many lovely gardener's blogs. I will again not do any housework by looking at lovely pictures,lol!!!
I am writing from England (but am originally from Croatia).
I also love gardening and have cats.
Your garden is just beautiful.
Up north here we are still fighting the snow. Some primulas are blooing though.
What a beautiful garden, it must be so wonderful walking through it this time of year, seeing and smelling all of the flowers.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
Thank you for the beautiful garden pictures. I also really enjoy garden cat photos. take care.
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