Today I would like to introduce you to my summer dream, which this year is Ranunculus asiaticus which is Persian Buttercup. I fell in love with it this winter, seeing it on the pictures. I bought it and with surpise I saw the bulbs - a real masterpiece.

This brown, complex and complicated thing on the left is the bulb. I was so amazed, that I decided to give it a special decoration for the pictures :) So beautiful can be The Thing storing PROMISE of BEAUTY.

I will plant them soon and we will see what are they hiding :) I expect white colour.

Primula dentata is almost in full bloom. Its perfect shape looks really sweet and surprising. On the picture below there is Fritilaria coming up - last year it was not blooming, maybe this year it decided to show up - soon we will see.

Pulsatilla coming closer and closer...

Take a closer look at green I hold un my hand - this is some veggies from my own garden! They lived through winter. Parsley is staying there for 3rd year, and big green leaves is ... sorry, I couldn't find shorter or English name... Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris convar. vulgaris var. cicla - some of them survived last winter and seem to be great... my vitamin bomb!
Is it Carex bloom?

There are visitors on the composting sod - I really dunno where from they came... who planted them there? red beautiful stems are just pruned of the Cornus alba 'Sibirica' - I keep them for further usage for stakings - surprising color.
What a unique way to present your ranaculus tubers. Simply beautiful. Your entire garden has fully awakened. It looks so green and full of promise. That blue color is to die for.
Things look so green and neat and pretty in your gardens, Ewa! Here, we call Beta vulgaris, "beets." I grow them in my garden, too, and while I don't eat the greens, I do love the roots, especially when they're pickled.
I'm in zone 5, and my parsley survived the winter, too! My mom says sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't here. But good for us! :-)
I just checked the Beta vulgaris to be sure the variety you are growing is the same as what we call beets, but the cicla is what we call Swiss Chard, a different thing. I grew it the last two years here, in colors! Red, yellow, orange... We don't care for Swiss Chard for eating, but it's so pretty, that's why I grow it. I know many people who like to eat it though, just not us. ;-)
Hi Nancy, ow yes - it is so exciting and garden can really surprise :)
Lisa hello, 'tubers' you say... hmm..
Blue and shape of it makes THE mixture :)
Hey Kylee! B. vulgaris cicla or Swiss Chard - that will be the name of it. I grew mixture of colors for the first time - they grow and taste nice - also from what I know are very rich in nutrients. Only green variation lived through winter. Other colors died.
Kylee, one more thing - this is the SECOND winter parsley survived :)
2 comments you made and somehow I made 2 answers :)
It is amazing what beauty grows from brown corms, bulbs, rhizomes and tubers! You have a wonderful way of speaking about your pretty garden.
Wow I just love your photos. They are wonderful. The primulas are so pretty! So you have real spring now....I have to wait a few weeks:(
It is always exciting to plant new bulbs, EWA :)
I love all the Spring colour in your garden too :)
I had a stroll through your garden to have a look if spring has arrived. By the look of it, hurra, it has. I like the beautiful blue Primula.
(bake 2 cakes in the same oven=the saying in English:
you kill two birds with one stone)
It means: you resolve two matters with a single action.)
Your flowers are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing all of the lovely photos.... How did your Runuculus turn out? I LOVE these flowers.. they are my new favorite :)
Jamie, unfortunately it never appeared :(
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