June 7, 2009

Brugmansia cutting expansion

Do you remember my Brugmansia cutting I took in November?
Just 2 months later, today it looks like it plans the world domination.
Look at the bottom of the picture, see mobile phone for size reference?
After I placed it on the windowsill, my husband said, that it looks like CGI (computer generated image), not real one.
What do you think?
I keep it at home, while the other cutting is outside since 1 month - temperatures are not too high - rarely exceeding 20C.


Anonymous said...

It looks good to me. I need to look this flower up - I hear the name so much lately and I'm not familiar with it.

Anonymous said...

It looks healthy.

Tara Dillard said...

Hope you get it outside & blooming soon. They attract the luna moth. Nothing better than sitting outside in the evening and seeing one at your blossoms.

Incredible viburnum pics in your last post.

Ewa, change is brewing inside me. I think my front garden, as it is, will be vastly different by the end of summer. Isn't it fun when those feelings arrive?

Garden & Be Well, XO Tara

vicki archer said...

Isn't nature wonderful...congratulations to you Ewa and your talent for gardening...xv

Jan said...

Ewa, your cutting looks so healthy that I am sure it won't be long before you have flowers. I am able to grow mine outside here, but no blooms yet.

Always Growing

Janet, The Queen of Seaford said...

looks great!!! can't wait to see the bloom!

Antigonum Cajan said...

I prefer Datura stramonium.