I see that tomatoes and peppers are adjusting longer than expected – probably because when I bought them they were pretty big in size, but roots were kept small. They were sown and growing in seeding trays, where the amount of soil is really little, so the roots had no chance to grow freely. Nevertheless tomato plants seem to get thicker, which is a good sign. No opinion on pepper plants yet. Little bigger, but no real change.
Cucumbers – seedlings planted on the top of the photo on the left will have their first flowers! Yipeee! I wonder if they will taste better than those from the shops. I think, that Portugese have no idea what is a great cucumber (sorry friends!). In about two weeks we will know.
Note to myself – maybe next time buy smaller tomato/pepper seedlings.

Seedlings vs sowing seeds
Look at the first row from the right. Two plants on the bottom are courgette “Diamond” sown from seeds, next plants in a row are melons planted as seedlings. In those two weeks melon seedlings didn’t grow that much, as they are still adjusting, while 2 of the 3 courgette’s seeds sprouted and seem to be faster and already slightly bigger than melons.
New veggies
3rd row from the right – new broccoli seedlings planted.
2nd row from the left – new lettuce seedlings planted, for having constant supply, planting or sowing in 2 week periods would be enough, I think.
Rows in the middle – radishes “Malaga” and yellow string beans “Golden Saxa” starting from seeds.
Apart from that? I have already picked some lettuce twice, third one is on the photo below. Just in two weeks from planting seedlings.
Bon Appetit!
#algarve #vegetablegarden #ewainthegarden
Algarve - Vegetable Garden - Day 1
Algarve - Vegetable Garden - Day 2
Great planting layout you going there. easy to do experimenting of plants growing. Congrats to good signs of tomatoes planting.
Looking really good and starting to come together. Very jealous of your garden!
Your vegetable garden is looking great! My in-laws have one in Algarve, and they use a mesh canopy to actually provide some shade to the plants. Their vegetables seem to like it as they thrive nicely, Maria
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