Do you also think sometimes, that even if you are 40 or 50 today, there is high possibility of next 40 or 50 years in front of you? If yes, do you also think about how your garden will look like?
I wanted to make just regular GBBD post today, but also I wanted to post today for Blog Action Day which is also happening today. After short thinking, I have decided on Sunday to make today 2 separate posts, but yesterday events changed my mind.
I can sadly report too early arrival of winter – all my blooms in the garden are covered with snow! I don’t remember such early winter in middle Poland. The first snow was usually appearing and leaving fast in second part of November, and real winter arriving in December. But in October?!
Those made me combine both posts together, because we already witness the change and I realized that if I write my Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day post in 50 years, flowers blooming in my garden will be possibly different. And by 2080 I may see some flowers blooming 2 months earlier – this is what say researchers from the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.
Whatever is causing the climate change, the process seems to speed up. It is happening faster than predicted before. Currently used climate change models predict an average of 5.2 degrees in the earth temperature growth, which is double in comparison with projections made six years ago. Such rise in temperature will affect all plants and animals - scientists say it will desynchronize it.
According to mathematician Robert Clark of Monash University in Australia and geoscientist Roy Thompson of the University of Edinburgh, every 1 degree of change in temperature may speed up the flowering by 11 days.
Whatever is causing the climate change, make sure you get more environmentally friendly. Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” What to start with? Aside the changes in your gardening style, you may think on the chemicals you flush down the drain every day in your household - start with reading this awakening article if you would like to know what I mean.
This is mixed post written for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden and also for Blog Action Day which is both happening today 15th of October.
Source of information: WFS
I wanted to make just regular GBBD post today, but also I wanted to post today for Blog Action Day which is also happening today. After short thinking, I have decided on Sunday to make today 2 separate posts, but yesterday events changed my mind.
I can sadly report too early arrival of winter – all my blooms in the garden are covered with snow! I don’t remember such early winter in middle Poland. The first snow was usually appearing and leaving fast in second part of November, and real winter arriving in December. But in October?!
Those made me combine both posts together, because we already witness the change and I realized that if I write my Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day post in 50 years, flowers blooming in my garden will be possibly different. And by 2080 I may see some flowers blooming 2 months earlier – this is what say researchers from the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh.
Whatever is causing the climate change, the process seems to speed up. It is happening faster than predicted before. Currently used climate change models predict an average of 5.2 degrees in the earth temperature growth, which is double in comparison with projections made six years ago. Such rise in temperature will affect all plants and animals - scientists say it will desynchronize it.
According to mathematician Robert Clark of Monash University in Australia and geoscientist Roy Thompson of the University of Edinburgh, every 1 degree of change in temperature may speed up the flowering by 11 days.
Whatever is causing the climate change, make sure you get more environmentally friendly. Mahatma Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.” What to start with? Aside the changes in your gardening style, you may think on the chemicals you flush down the drain every day in your household - start with reading this awakening article if you would like to know what I mean.
This is mixed post written for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden and also for Blog Action Day which is both happening today 15th of October.
Source of information: WFS
The snow is very pretty...My you have given points to ponder here!
Snow? Already. We are still waiting for our first frost in Raleigh, NC. The snow sure makes a nice picture tho. H.
BLECH snow. Well, it is still pretty! There are flowers under there somewhere. . .Dream of spring!
I know how you feel! In 2006 we had a heavy wet snow in the middle of October. I have photos of Anemones in full bloom under the snow. It makes me appreciate the rain and the highs in the 40s (well, just a tiny bit).
Gorgeous pic Ewa. Bittersweet.
Many times I think I'll need 500 springs to get my garden where I want it. 50 more seems paltry.
Garden & Be Well, XO Tara
Your snow was pretty, like ours, which also came too early. We are having a little warmer weather now, and some of the flowers are still blooming, while their neighbors are dead. It seems like winter is coming earlier and staying later in the year.
Global warming? I'm cynical where that's concerned. It's possible, but I also think it's foolish of us to think that the earth will remain the same over time. Ancient history has shown us that it doesn't.
We've had one of the coolest summers on record and right now, we are having temperatures 20 degrees colder than normal. Where it all will come out in the end is anyone's guess!
But back to the present and I want to say your photo of snow on the tree and flowers is very pretty, if not disappointing for this time of year.
I guess I had better stop complaining about the cool weather and rain we're having! We had warm, summery weather this time last year! My sympathies!
Like Kylee, I'm a bit skeptical about the global warming thing. It's not that I don't believe it's happening-I know winters back home are far different now than they were when I was growing up 25 years ago-I just don't know if there's anything we can do about it. We certainly didn't cause the ice age or the global warming that followed it. I'll still do my part to try to be a good steward of the earth though, because that's the right thing to do no matter what. If that means planting things in my garden and sharing them with my fellow bloggers, then so be it! :)
It is also cold here in Western New York. 20 degrees below the usual temperature, but no snow yet. We have had two very hard frosts. It may get up to 60 in the next few days...crazy.
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