If your orchid is not reblooming - this doesn't mean you don't have hand for orchids. It only means that probably your orchid doesn't get enough light.
If new leaves grow longer and darker - it means there is not enough light.
There is a lot of misunderstandings when it comes to amount of light that orchids need.
I will cover most important issues like watering, fertilising in the next posts, so everyone can enjoy at home reblooming orchids.
As Phalaenopsis is most popular and easy to grow I will mainly write about them.
First of all - don't be fooled 'orchid needs half shadow' is not true in many countries.
In natural conditions Phalaenopsis grows in the tropics in half shadow, sheltered by big trees, because too strong direct sunlight can burn the leaves.
This applies to tropics and countries where sun is really strong for most of the year.
In countries which are more far from the equator sun operates much lighter. In many countries there is not enought light for people from October until March. Do you think, that this amount of light is enough for your orchid?
My orchids grow indoor in zone 6. Without special artificial light, they grow strong and rebloom voluntarily placed on southern windowsill, on direct sunlight except July - when I move it little away form the glass. Sun is so high, that I don't need move my orchids to different spot.
How to tell if your orchid has enough or too much light?
Look at the leaves - slight clared coloured leaves show you need to move the plant to shadow immediately, cos it is close to be burned.
Touch the leaf - this is good way to check whether the amount of light is proper. If its hot, means there little too much light.
Another easy to grow orchids suitable for beginners is Odontonia - fragrant, that I bought lately - see it here.
If you are looking for practical guide which covers all you need to know about orchid care Click Here!
Happy reblooming orchids!
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